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Congrats to all who made it!

3 Day 372, 02:40 Published in South Korea South Korea

Well what can I say,not many people voted.Well now whats left to do is to get started by printing money.Parrot will propose that.This morning when I woke up I found 5 gold in my account which is a surprise to me,I guess it's for winning the

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Apology to the public

4 Day 371, 05:15 Published in South Korea South Korea

Well first off I want to say sorry for anything that have said and done in the past days.I now undersatnd that my words effect how the world sees korea as a country.I am sorry if I said anything to make parrot look bad.parrot I now agree with you

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Constitution of south Korea

10 Day 369, 07:14 Published in South Korea South Korea

Constitution of south Korea

This document is made to establish federal republic union of south Korea,To create peace and order within our boards,and make sure Korea is not captured anymore.May the future citizens of south Korea have great luck

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Good day korea

7 Day 369, 05:00 Published in South Korea South Korea

Hello everyone in case you don't remember I am Richie450 I worked hard to bring you guys freedom now this is the last time I'll be saying this.OK so here's what going to happen the elections for congress are coming up so that we some kind of power

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ekorean liberation army needs you!

42 Day 361, 04:31 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Greeting Indoesia I am the leader of the army and I want you to join.Yeah you the one sitting in the corner,you are probly wondering "want can I get from joining".Well what you get is lots of in-game experiance and a chance to change the the lifes

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