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Citizen Fee and Minimum Wage

8 Day 494, 08:47 Published in Ireland Ireland

Recently two laws were proposed and rejected by the Congress. In keeping with my pre election promise to be accountable for, I will write about how I voted and what I think about the issues.

Citizen Fee

The first law proposed was

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Much thanks and a message from Severin

8 Day 492, 04:34 Published in Ireland Ireland

Thanks and Congratulations
Much thanks to the people of Dublin who voted for me quite frankly the results were very surprising to me (I was only expecting to only get about one or two votes). I see it as a great victory for new citizens (the … read more »

Vote Severin for IUP Congressman (Dublin)

2 Day 489, 17:25 Published in Ireland Ireland

A little about myself: I am currently a Ranger in the Irish Defense Forces, I own a modest Q2 gift company and I run the newspaper Severin Says, which has published three articles targeted at helping new citizens (I plan to write more in the … read more »

Political Ideologies Explained

10 Day 488, 18:53 Published in Ireland Ireland

First of all, my applause to those who have gotten involved in politics and have decided to run for Congress and published manifestos, it should be an interesting and (hopefully) clean election. As promised in my last article, I will go through

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A Political Appeal to New Citizens

10 Day 486, 11:13 Published in Ireland Ireland

This is an appeal for new or relatively new citizens to become involved in politics in eIreland. New citizens are imperative to the future successes of eIreland and should have a role in shaping it. In this article I hope to

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