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Retalliation against PEACE: Justified or Suicide? (Greece)

0 Day 654, 23:32 Published in Greece Greece

World War III has brought fronts on three continents- North America, Europe, and Asia. Through the two months, Canada, Spain, Theocratic Switzerland, and North Korea have at one point been wiped off the map, the latter two still occupied. The United

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Retalliation against PEACE: Justified or Suicide? (USA)

8 Day 654, 23:30 Published in USA USA

World War III has brought fronts on three continents- North America, Europe, and Asia. Through the two months, Canada, Spain, Theocratic Switzerland, and North Korea have at one point been wiped off the map, the latter two still occupied. The United

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Greetings from a Very Lucky America

11 Day 654, 21:15 Published in Greece Greece

Yes, as you might have heard, the Indonesian president was permabanned. Even luckier, we were able to attack California. Even LUCKIER, the Russian attempt to block Canada only helped us. And even better, the wall in California is -400k as of now.

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Cuba: The Cyprus of the Caribbean

11 Day 651, 22:44 Published in Greece Greece

Yes, I'm back in Greece (newspaper wise) to bring up something that caught my eye. As you know, people are in favor of adding the island of Cyprus as a strategic point. It provides … read more »

Hello again, America.

3 Day 651, 16:16 Published in USA USA

It's been awhile. Two weeks, actually. I've been fighting from all the way in Greece. But it's good to be home. A lot has happened in two weeks. America went from on the brink of destruction to scaring the living hell out of PEACE in California.

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