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Where are you gov?

8 Day 2,843, 21:09 Published in Pakistan Pakistan Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear gov,

It's almost a month since I received my Pakistan nationality, but it's almost a month too I didn't get any news or what so ever regarding the updates of this country except from the mod news paper...

Why you all so silence?


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President yang terdelusi

16 Day 2,843, 01:46 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Indonesia gak jadi psk, cuman sedikit ngangkang buat Peru,Venezuela and now pasrah buat memuaskan napsu setan ausie

Yg penting NBI gak dipake coy...


Rakyat dianggap terlibat aktip dalam urusan pemerintahan dengan terlaksananya

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E. Lagiacrus sebuah cerita

38 Day 2,841, 08:18 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So u said you can't set order to tnei even you as a mofa and cp?


Do u know that to changing their commander u have go through by a great deliberation ?
Not just because as a cp u can ask that position?

Do u know as a cp u can

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Hey Ausie... Bring it on

25 Day 2,838, 22:02 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So u said our government officials and Congress members come to u and asking what happened?

So u said for all this time you always trying to become a good … read more »

Mau Dibawa Kemana?

29 Day 2,837, 00:30 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Mana ni?

Ekonomi melesu, tapi pajak mo dinaekin?

Aksinya pemerintah apa?

Turunkan harga lah, cintai produk lokal!

Congnya juga mana? Wakil rakyat apa wakil kartel sih? Inpo2 apa kek hasil rapat ma pemerintah

Jangan cuman ngasih

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