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(PrinceOfAustria) Taking a new role

9 Day 928, 13:50 Published in Austria Austria

Dear friends, dear citizen of eAustria,

i dont have a lot of time so i'll write this real quick.

Today, Fragreg got elected president (or is about to be elected), resulting in my period as MoD of eAustria to end.
However, I'll still
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(PrinceOfAustria) Zu den aktuellen Geschehnissen

12 Day 925, 05:05 Published in Austria Austria

Liebe Freunde,

Ich bin leider sehr in Eile und werde daher nur einen knappen Artikel mit meinem Kommentar über die aktuellen Geschehnisse schreiben.
Wie ihr wohl wisst, habe ich KaiserAlex' Präsidentschaftskandidatur
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(Prince) So, who's gonna be our next president?

8 Day 924, 12:48 Published in Austria Austria

(Eine Deutsche Übersetzung kommt noch!)

Dear friends,

as I'm not going to be able to do more than 2 click in the next few days, including election day, i wanted to share my thoughts on the presidental election with you,

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(Prince) Just some random thoughts

33 Day 918, 00:24 Published in Austria Austria">
A picture I took in Nice, some hobbit hiding in the lower right corner 😉

Dear everyone,

I thought I'd just release an article on my general thoughts these days.
To make
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Open letter to Croatian PTOers

22 Day 904, 14:11 Published in Austria Austria

I don't think this will change anything at all, but i felt like doing it.

Dear Croatian PTOers, ill come straight to the point;
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