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And our hospital?

7 Day 603, 13:31 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

We can buy our hospital. We are losing the chance to evolve with the war of others. We buy the hospital immediately.

The hospital Q5 will cost only 300 gold, including all costs.

There is no reason to wait!

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Campaign for the purchase of our Hospital Q4.

17 Day 595, 11:17 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

My friends native Slovak, and Slovak at heart!

Let's begin to raise funds for our hospital? I believe that if we add 150 gold we can buy our dream hospital.

I'll ask everyone to donate each five golds for our National Treasury, this link:

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Congratulations, my friend!

5 Day 594, 05:26 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

My sincere congratulations to Josef Danko! A fine victory!

But now it's time to work. Let us together build a new Slovakia!

PS: This is not the time to propose Impeachment, communes. Let the man work!

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I support Josef Danko

17 Day 590, 10:58 Published in Slovakia Slovakia


Because Josef Danko is the only candidate with a plan of Government, is a Slovak native and may represent our beautiful country.

Josef Danko, the little I saw, will work together with us and will help develop the country. Up a company in

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My choice for president

10 Day 588, 13:00 Published in Slovakia Slovakia

Good morning, brave people of Slovakia!

I speak a little of my choice for president. It is my choice and the choice of some friends who came from Brazil to Slovakia. If not any specific name here, but we want the future president:

* Honest;

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