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[Presidents office] Beginning of a New term

3 Day 2,299, 18:07 Published in Norway Norway Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Norway

The elections have come and gone, and so begins my second term are your country president. I would like to take the time to thank you all for allowing me to continue into … read more »

[Presidents Office] Closing remarks of February

7 Day 2,296, 17:10 Published in Norway Norway Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Readers,

This month went by a lot faster than I had expected it too and I believe I have had good term. Of course it wasn't totally perfect, there is always the room for changes that … read more »

Presidential Elections - Running for CP and my policies

17 Day 2,294, 08:38 Published in Norway Norway Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Norway,

It comes to that time again, presidential elections are not far away now. I had been pondering weather I should run again for another term in March, I had been asked by a couple people and I finally decided that I would. Being

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[Presidents Office] Plans and Congress Results

13 Day 2,290, 17:34 Published in Norway Norway Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Norway,

It comes time for me to write another article about what has been happening the past couple days, you may have noticed that we had advanced into the UK by attacking Scotland … read more »

National Committee - Congress Elections

4 Day 2,287, 16:18 Published in Norway Norway Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello Norway,

The time has come for congress elections, make sure to candidate yourselves tonight as today is the last day! Party Presidents will be finalizing the lists tomorrow and checking them over. We have lots of regions to candidate from

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