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Mix of old I&W backup and new stuff

Operation: Media Mongul is Live

7 Day 599, 09:12 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

There we go, a fundraiser for PEACE.

This is a mental operation to manage, and I will the person in charge (poor me). The main goal of this operation is to raise gold for PEACE, we are going to do this through very basic game mechanics. Namely

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[Iron and Wine] Voting instructions

2 Day 583, 08:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

For voting on Iron and Wine players:

Vote Deviltje, Sandax and Luuklag
Do NOT vote Frerk

Vote CEO Trainee and Laxaratous
Do NOT vote Mitch Rapp

Vote Firemud and Rijnies


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[Iron and Wine] Election Day!

4 Day 582, 23:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Citizens of the eUnited Netherlands,

In our series ‘Campaign days’ Iron and Wine will present its program and give some further explanation. We will also be answering questions in the … read more »

Strike One, PEACE wins.

11 Day 582, 10:12 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

24 June 2008,

Yet another victory for the PEACE GC army. Together with the eUnited Netherlands citizens they have defended the Walloon district.

Cake for all brave soldiers of the PEACE GC army and good luck in the next fight, the fight for

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[Iron and Wine] Campaign day 2: Foreign Affairs and Defense

14 Day 579, 08:58 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Citizens of the eUnited Netherlands,

In our series ‘ … read more »