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Elections of june 2010 / Verkiezingen van juni 2010

5 Day 945, 13:55 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear voters of Eunl.

The votingsheet <<<========

In a couple of days it's time again to vote for a new congress.
Iron and Wine will also be present again during these

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PP elections june 2010

3 Day 939, 13:46 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Hi dear I&W members and other readers,

Here the first article of your brand new Party President Hollenboer.
I want thank all partymembers who has vote on me.

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[IW] The elections and more.

3 Day 917, 03:27 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear members and others,

First of all I would like to apologize for the lack of time I was able to invest into coordinating the elections, making a program etc. Due to a busy personal life and a hard time at school lately there just wasn't enough

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6 Day 897, 09:45 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Citizens of the eUNL. If you havn't voted yet do so! Every vote matters and gives you XP! Preferbly we hope that you vote for Auggustus.

And why vote for Auggy?

-Bringing much … read more »

[IW] On the proposed change of constitution

11 Day 893, 16:38 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear fellow countrymen,

Today I speak to you, in an attempt to make you understand the hypocrisy about to be voted upon by congress. And here I stand, calling out to all congressmen that believe in a fair country, calling out to vote against this

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