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Disgrace ביזיון. Tomorrow we vote for Democracy and Daniel Morad!

21 Day 1,231, 04:37 Published in Israel Israel

Yesterday the presidential platform of Daniel Morad was published on a major Erep forum in eIsrael, along with some supporting threads. Hours later those threads were deleted by the former minister of interior and a clear supporter of

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Caesars voice goes to....Daniel Morad.

3 Day 1,230, 10:40 Published in Israel Israel

Centuries ago the folk of Rome put their trust in the hands of Gaius Julius Casear, which has put his trust in his adopted son, Octavius Augustus Julius Caesar. Corruption caesed to exist as well as the unwashed Gauls were slaughtered. Rome became

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My voice.

8 Day 1,226, 14:18 Published in Israel Israel

Dear friends, brothers and Citizens of eIsrael.

Israel is on a stall. We are diving and diving without a parachute and it seems like all we do is hope we land on soft grass. New citizens are running free from the country while some choose to

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The Turkish Threat.

4 Day 1,224, 06:09 Published in Israel Israel

Citizens of Israel!
Step by step the barbarians approach the gates of our holy land. Their gigantic warships are already in sight devastating the Northern Shores of the land of sun, Cyprus. While the Phalanx of our Greek allies fell by the huge

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Citizens of Israel

2 Day 1,221, 09:15 Published in Israel Israel

Have patience, gentle friends, I must not read it;
It is not meet you know how Caesar loved you.
You are not wood, you are not stones, but men;
And, being men, bearing the will of Caesar,
It will inflame you, it will make you ma😛
'Tis good

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