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Official Presidential Platform [part1]

5 Day 700, 16:46 Published in Israel Israel

Are you looking for a true leader, one who doesn't try to do all the work himself, but charges and empowers individuals to succeed in their assigned tasks/jobs?

Are you looking for someone of strength, who realizes and embraces his short

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My Return...............

22 Day 700, 00:48 Published in Israel Israel

Aaaaahhhh it's good to be home!!!!! : )

Some of you may still be wondering why I took a leave of absense for a month, simply put I needed a break, me staying would have only further tainted my views of certain individuals and national … read more »

Israeli Population Woes

3 Day 690, 01:43 Published in Israel Israel

This just might be my shortest article ever, but then again I'm not done typing this, lol.

One month ago Israels population was on the verge of cresting the 800 mark, since that time due to scandals, theft, admin cracking down on multis,

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The straw that broke this camels back!!!!!!

8 Day 669, 11:19 Published in Israel Israel

Since my erep conception I have lived in Israel, fought for her safety, always working to make her a better place to work, live and play. I've served her faithfully as a 4 time congressman, devote and loyal as a soldier and squad leader in the IDF.

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*IMPORTANT* Immigration Alert *IMPORTANT*

5 Day 669, 03:29 Published in Israel Israel

This message is for ALL congressmen/women regarding a pending citizenship request.

DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT approve

Bara Theodor

At this time there are a couple matters that need to be resolved prior to … read more »