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Cry for Indonesia

10 Day 1,048, 21:12 Published in Australia Australia

Indonesian food prices are at an all time high - and the country is fast running out of grain. Business profits are being squeezed to finance the egos of the elite. To Indonesian Managers expect more pain.

Time to move to a country where they

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The New Word, eAustralia and Me

8 Day 963, 07:14 Published in Australia Australia

As a significant contributor to eAustralian Life under version 1 for those of you interested and to save repitition I now wish to outlline my plans.

Basically my strategy under version 1 was Australian Diamonds feeding gift companies around the

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Savonrepus ANP NSW

6 Day 887, 02:42 Published in Australia Australia

Why you should re-elect Savonrepuus ANP NSW

As DMoF and the owner of several high quality businesses I am implementing a plan that supports the economy of eAustralia and attacks the economy of eIndo as occupiers of our country. The steps that I

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My Time Has Come

15 Day 855, 21:25 Published in Australia Australia

Savonrepus ANP NSW
Yep I have finally considered that it might be ok to be land locked and am prepared to make a serious run for congress. There has never been a more necessary time for congress to have a steady hand under pressure and someone

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New eWorld Economic Order

3 Day 850, 19:41 Published in Australia Australia

Change Happens
How things can change in just a couple of days. The new hospital rules have caused a massive upheaval in the eRep economic system. Basically the emphasis has moved away from war onto wellness. Kings are gifts/diamonds … read more »