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[TH]n Where to start a company

3 Day 587, 13:43 Published in Thailand Thailand

Sometimes I get asked by one of my fellow citizens if I can give recommendations on starting his own company, and sometimes we are having this topic addressed in one of the Thai newspapers, too. The usual answer from me or from one of the other

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[TH]c Low Cost Tickets switching back to normal operations mode

2 Day 567, 12:00 Published in Thailand Thailand

Just a brief note:

As Mafia presence in congress is now reduced to a mere 4 congress members, there is no real danger to get deprived of tax money. I have also achieved my goal of getting a little experience with the anti-mafia mode, and I may

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[TH]o Roster of reliable and unreliable congressmen

16 Day 565, 14:59 Published in Thailand Thailand

Complementary to Sargeras Maximus' Roster of (Iranian) Traitors, I want to write down the names of the other congressmen from the [url=

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[TH]c Low Cost Tickets operating in anti-mafia mode

5 Day 564, 12:37 Published in Thailand Thailand

Within the next few hours, Low Cost Tickets will switch to the anti-mafia mode.

Mafia's current law proposal will set the income tax of our employees to 50%, … read more »

[TH]n Robbery #2 and the congress seats distribution

8 Day 561, 15:48 Published in Thailand Thailand

At the time of this writing, it is clear that the second crime will be successful, too.
So far the robbery proposal has received 17 "yes" votes and 10 "no" votes.

Can we determine from

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