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MSL: Ekim for Nebraska

1 Day 514, 22:47 Published in USA USA

Hello everybody, specifically eCitizens of Nebraska,

I would like to formally announce my candidacy for Congressman of Nebraska. Before I get started, I must clear something up. If you surf around my profile or history, you will notice that I

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MSL: Getting eRepublik on National News

1 Day 503, 17:29 Published in USA USA

I know it's a dream for me and a dream for many of you. eRepublik getting a real life recognition on national television.

Now, many of you are probably thinking that there's no way we can do this because the national television media already has

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MSL: Mourning Our Indonesian Brethren

68 Day 495, 11:37 Published in USA USA

No, this is not an article about the eIndonesian military or even eIndonesia. This is an article on the real Indonesia. Only a few days ago, tremendous rains fell on the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, causing a local dam to burst, sending a 10

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MSL: Florida - Our National Weakness?

14 Day 478, 16:07 Published in USA USA

Hello everybody,

I'm sure many of you are aware of this fact, but for those of you who have missed the past week in eRepublik, Florida is the US's only Q5 hospital region. My question is 'why?' Sure, Florida has Disney World and is a nice place

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MSL: Breakdown in Communication

4 Day 477, 04:29 Published in USA USA

Over the past few days, I have found that the communication system in the US Military needs a serious and drastic revamping. While the Taco War began as a well coordinated strike on three Mexican regions, it quickly went downhill from there.


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