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Meet the Press brings the American people the interviews of elected officials, social leaders, and so many more. We offer our take on political questions and never shy away from the issues at hand. If it's politics, it's Meet the Press.


5 Day 1,323, 22:12 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Now that we are heading towards getting all regions back, and the CP elections are nearly over tonight, I think it's also time we get our heads towards preparing the national defense for another attack of the sorts we saw during this period of

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Hawaii Battle Updates

11 Day 1,318, 22:34 Published in USA USA Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

At this present moment, the battles with Poland over our last region have taken a twist for neutral, with the bar remaining at 50% even on each side, give or take a couple of small tenths of a percentage point. It continues to hover point for point,

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Last Stand for America

7 Day 1,318, 19:25 Published in USA USA Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

It appears the nation is down to it's final stand, the last fight is upon us ladies and gentlemen. We have lost almost everything, and though the end may seem near, there is always a slither of hope left to be taken a hold of. I urge all

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Regional Shifts and Moving Forward

3 Day 1,317, 20:36 Published in USA USA Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

In my last article, this great nation had only three regions left. As it appears at the time of this article, we are down to three regions, Texas, Hawaii, and Minnesota. This is very disheartening news to myself and thousands of others who were

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Is the End Near?

7 Day 1,317, 11:03 Published in USA USA Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

As I talked with someone on the comments section of my last article, they said that they saw the end of the eUS coming. I respect that opinion, it's a reasonable one seeing how bad things have gotten. The people are down to four regions, Arizona,

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