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New Missions (Day 1,689 of the New World)

11 Day 1,689, 05:52 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

hahahhahhahahahhahahahh 😃

hahahahhahahhahahahahha 😃

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81 Day 1,682, 06:33 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Кратко и јасно, направићу поделу у част данашњег дана , великог празника у СРПСКОМ народу, ВИДОВДАНА.

Сто се тиче поделе свако од вас ће добити 5ку6 тенкова и 50ку2 'леба


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13 Day 1,680, 06:45 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

By owning a Rocket Factory you will be able to produce your own rockets that will give you more damage in a battle. In order to produce the rocket each day you will need a certain number of weapons Q1-Q6 and currency as production resources: read more »

Srpsko-Japanski recnik

12 Day 1,668, 11:25 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Moj otac je u kupatilu - Tatami Setushira
Mislim da mu se dopadaš - Chetekara
Mislim da mu se jako dopadaš - Chetekara Samotako
Molim vas, odbijte, ili ću morati da upotrebim fizičku silu -
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Kanal za vas

10 Day 1,666, 04:57 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Kratko i jasno...
Otvoricu danas kanal #masovno_kukanje
Kako bih omogucio vama svima da placete za ovim b h medaljama koje uzimaju mladi igraci prve i druge divizije za nekih 30 do 50 K.

Juce vam se svidela

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