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23rd of August - How Varvarin became the happiest man on eRepublik

8 Day 3,925, 18:08 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello everyone,

We all know that Varvarin is not able to get 2 RH medals in a row.

He was benched numerous amounts of time.

We can see here, how he got older while sitting on glorious bench.


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Bench time

16 Day 3,739, 14:52 Published in Serbia Serbia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Hi everyone,

Just a quick warning for RH hunters not to hunt RWs in Serbia or else they are going to be benched.

Thanks for your time.


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Discreet Heroes

53 Day 3,717, 13:02 Published in Serbia Serbia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis


We all know our enemies celebrate and praise Mr. Collin when they win.
When they lose, they accuse Collin of not spending too much.

But who are those people that help Collin to win?

Those people that fight, all as one person along with

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Кандидатура за председника

53 Day 3,634, 14:20 Published in Serbia Serbia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Поздрав свима,

Пробао сам скоро све у овој игри, осим тога да се кандидујем за председника државе, тако да ћу овом приликом и то пробати. Хвала људима из Покрета што су ми то … read more »

Clopoyaur куп 8 - Hearthstone турнир за еРепублик авантуристе

5 Day 3,478, 23:14 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Добродошли на:

Турнир ће се одржати 3о. и 31. маја 2017. године са почетком у 19:00. Турнир ће имати 2 фазе, групну и елиминациону.
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