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State Snapshot - 9/19

0 Day 669, 02:30 Published in USA USA

Well I can't help it I'm a numbers person, I get this from both owning my own RL company, to also having a degree in Business Admin and Finance. So Today, here is a look at our states (regions) population levels, of which we currently control 33. I

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A look at voting statistics, and party snapshots.

1 Day 667, 17:18 Published in USA USA

Greetings again,

Since yesterday we have seen quite a few candidacy declarations for Congress, so as promised yesterday I bring to you some interesting voting statistics and a snapshot at our eUS Political Parties. Let me say in advance, I have

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Party Presidents Elected

4 Day 666, 12:41 Published in USA USA

Greetings eUS Citizens,

I bring you the election results from the parties across our great lands, from the elections yesterday. The results are listed in Alpha order, and I plan to release some voting statistics and a snapshot of our parties in

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