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President elections

4 Day 560, 05:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Soonish are the presidential elections... who will be next.

Our actual president was good and strong. He was really good. Lets hope the next one will be like him...

But who?
No candidate yet

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Just for Johan Voordenwind

12 Day 560, 05:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

This article is written only for him and all the people of e-Netherland not admitting that there are other language spoken in our e-country today...

I cover you with kisses (rscl style)

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United Netherlands: THE good idea

0 Day 559, 23:57 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

The new governement has been formed and for sure the BP which scared many people... since these many people thought the Wallons will try to go away from e-netherlands.... the BP shows a huge commiment to an UNION durable and working together...

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En Francais...

22 Day 557, 10:07 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Juste pour narguer le Bart local et son article, j'ecris cet article en Francais...

Et j'inivte tout le monde a s'insurger contre ce type de comportement!

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hegje is no longer a congress member.

20 Day 555, 07:15 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Hegje is no longer a congress member.

Why did he run in the election to leave like that?
To get some money or is he just sad of his results! … read more »