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★ Россия и Румыния братья навек? ★

37 Day 1,274, 14:00 Published in Russia Russia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Интересный вечер сегодня выдался, друзья. 🙂
Об одной ситуации, которая сделала его пикантным, я и хочу поговорит … read more »

★ Отмена и введение лимита. ★

42 Day 1,272, 07:16 Published in Russia Russia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Хорошего настроения вам, друзья.
Эта статья будет короткой, её цель - сообщить важную информацию, о которой, возможно, многие не знаю … read more »

Good bye my lover, good bye my friends..

19 Day 1,263, 07:51 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

My Friends, there came a time when I must say you goodbye.
We ("Mafia" community/ ABoC) lived in UAE for 3 months from day one of this country.

[img][/img] … read more »

★ Fake passports in UAE. ★

20 Day 1,246, 09:54 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

After the elections on March 25 congressmen UAE were able to issue only one passport players.
Today I checked the list of those who were issued passports and saw one feature - 7 … read more »

★ The long-awaited article. ★

29 Day 1,239, 11:04 Published in United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Good day, friends.
Rather infrequently can see the article by UAE government and a bad thing. Therefore, I want to apologize to its citizens for the information deficit in the press. Recently we had … read more »