Ambient on/off


5 Day 1,500, 00:00 Published in Canada Canada Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Noi suntem toti in acelasi joc...
dar la nivele diferite.
Ne confruntam cu acelasi Iad...
doar dracii sunt diferiti.

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6 Day 1,436, 01:28 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Why are you looking where you know things are not clear? I've met many people, especially women, who were looking for love in men deserted by it. Whatever is the reason for their heart was barren, they continued to hope that one day their love will

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7 Day 1,426, 01:00 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

You have to run away...
just to see who will run after you!

You have to talk softly...
just to see who's listening!

You have to step up into a fight...
just to see who's by your side!

You have to make a wrong decision...
just to see who'

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Aberatie in versuri[Concurs]

13 Day 1,424, 01:20 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Zgomot de fundal recomandat

Tumultul din mine.
Nimic diferit...
Si totusi...
Aceeasi atingere soptita,
Aceeasi depasire a cuvintelor,
Acelasi contur de intrebari,
Acelasi monolog … read more »

Intalnire 13.10.2011

27 Day 1,421, 06:56 Published in South Korea South Korea Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


Intalnire Erepublik


13.10.2011, orele 19:00


Oscars Lipscani, str. Covaci, Bucuresti

De ce?

De ce nu?


Cu catel, cu purcel, cu zambetul pe buze.

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