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Long Swords Rebellion - My resignation

9 Day 886, 09:41 Published in Canada Canada

Hello Everyone,

As many of you probably know on April 25th the Long Swords Rebellion started. It has been stated by Chucky Norris as follows:

"The Canadian Armed Force Has been displeased with recent event in congress. Repeated

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New V2 market may be worse

0 Day 843, 14:49 Published in Canada Canada

Hello everyone,

As everyone knows there are many changes happening to the economy when Erepublik V2 hits, some of the expected changes are:

1) Diversification of jobs

2) 24 hour time period to micro manage your character to add more depth

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Military now is the time to prepare

3 Day 819, 15:12 Published in Canada Canada

As you know the admins have recently detailed where the military module is going to go:

"Citizens will have four types of “strengths” which reflects their capabilities of fighting as an infantry soldier, a tank driver, a helicopter pilot,

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Train ONLY with Napoleon

4 Day 763, 15:56 Published in Canada Canada

Hello Everyone,

Everything you need to know about the new training module can be summed up in that one sentence:

Always train with Napoleon.

How do i come to that conclusion? Currently you have four choices to training and

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Gold for training: The Economic Cost (Sweden)

4 Day 754, 06:59 Published in Sweden Sweden

Hello Everyone,

As many of you already know the admins have made a change to the war module in terms of training which is the aspect of being able to pay for better training.

Please sir, Can i have some more?


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