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eRepublik - a Battle of the Multis

34 Day 993, 21:15 Published in Australia Australia

eRepublik has descended into the farcical situation that countries are controlled by thousands of fake accounts instead of real people. Besieged countries feel they can only retaliate via a corresponding creation of even MORE multi accounts.


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Selecting our Aussie CP

9 Day 975, 22:29 Published in Australia Australia

The procedure for selecting the approved Aussie CP should be as follows:

1. The pre-selection and polling process should be controlled by the Inspector-General, Xavier Griffith, or his delegate.
2. The top 5 non-PTOd parties may nominate a CP

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A note to the Aussie food market

12 Day 967, 19:06 Published in Australia Australia

Harvesters (raw material) have a special situation with their food needs. No matter how much we work during a day we only lose 1 wellness. We need all the extra points in happiness. So can some enterprising food manufacturers out there

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Indo has Multi-Talent!

13 Day 961, 23:47 Published in Australia Australia

This is the winner of the recent Indo has got Multi-Talent competition. This fellow won the illustrious prize of most multis created in a single week to assist with the PTO of eAustralia.


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Infin supports sir_c0nstant!

6 Day 957, 19:01 Published in Australia Australia

sir_c0nstant is a true patriot. He is one of the few individuals in the whole of eAus who has been here basically every day to represent our country. He never ragequits or burns out part way his term. He is a constant force.

I know

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