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DonMogul's Manifesto for People's Party of India Party President Election

6 Day 1,424, 00:57 Published in India India Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

My fellow brothers and sisters of India and honoured colleagues of the People's Party of India (PPoI), I am writing this article today to announce my candidacy for the post … read more »

[F1] Championship Standings end of Round 3

10 Day 1,423, 21:42 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I am sorry to report that this time there will not be a video of the race. A great majority of the recorded portion of the race FRAPS did not record properly. Jerky footage, stuttering sound and for about 30 of the 56 laps there was no footage at

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[F1] Miltiadis on a Roll! Free Practice & Qualifying Results

11 Day 1,421, 17:34 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Free Practice has just been completed and what a contest it was. TheScarecrow held the fastest time for most of the session. Miltiadis1 hit the track as the 3rd to last driver to do so and SMASHED TheScarecrow's time.

NagaPrathyush's rear wheels

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[F1] Round Three about to Begin!

17 Day 1,418, 21:17 Published in India India Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Sepang was an action packed blockbuster! For those of you who may have missed it please watch it at:

The link below is the hot lap video:

This other link

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[MoMC] A Must Have Script for all Indians!

20 Day 1,418, 18:24 Published in India India First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Today my brothers and sisters I would like to tell you about a script written for eRepublik that makes life a lot easier.

This script is called eRepublik Advanced and gives you a wide range of features including:
-Company management tools

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