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All the hyperbole that's barely fit to print!

A Vision for the Future: An Elvea exclusive

13 Day 400, 05:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

There's been a general mood hanging over the eUK ever since Lower Normandy fell; suspense. To anyone who has followed the war, the options for PEACE forces are limitless; as I've mentioned before, they had the opportunity to make a move on Belgium

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Keep Fighting or End it All?

44 Day 398, 14:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

We've come to a part in this war that few (least of all myself) expected; ATLANTIS are on the back foot and French forces are advancing. In a dark day for the eUK, we've lost Lower Normandy by an enormous margin.

Of course, the question must

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Movement for Democratic Unity for Congress!

10 Day 398, 05:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

The Congressional elections draw nearer and nearer, with only a few days before the Christmas Day elections. This is why, I wanted to get past drawing up a manifesto, and take my appeal directly to voters in the South West.

One of the primary

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Prepare Yourselves, Lower Normandy

10 Day 395, 04:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

I've stated in the last article my view that the war should be fought in good humour, and was pleasantly surprised with the response. I never dreamed I'd have that many subscribers!

But the light heartedness is one issue, related to the war and

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Patriotism and/or Xenophobia

21 Day 394, 11:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

When the war against France first began, the mood was high. We were going off to war, a united force who was going to teach Elvea and her poncy French imperialists a lesson, what? Those familiar with my older articles will see that I was firmly

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