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Аој Вило Босонога, како живиш без онога?

18 Day 3,064, 11:34 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Без онога враголана који љуби сваког дана?

I've got you under my skin.
I've got you deep in the heart of me.
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me.
I've got you
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Ol' Ditry Ba#%/rd, Padre Rides Again!

13 Day 3,044, 08:21 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Supreme Leader, Our Beloved El Fap Padre can into riding horse!

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Loves me, loves me not..

20 Day 3,019, 10:43 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I never thought I'd miss you
Half as much in gerila fight
And I never thought I'd feel this way
The way I feel
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[eCZ CP] Bye Democracy!

16 Day 3,011, 11:13 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear glorious Czech citizens, once again we need to protect our country from possible invaders and establish Dicktatorship. All gold i'v earn from today read more »


32 Day 3,006, 11:44 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Србима мухамеданске, католичке, атеистичке и нормалне вероисповести,

Велика ми је част да вам честитам на двогодишњем постојању војног савеза АСТЕ
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