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Congress: What we've done so far

20 Day 2,334, 16:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


Wow, such an incentive
Much prize
Many article

Right then, I've decided to do an article summing up what congress has "achieved" so far, what we've discussed over … read more »

Congress Reform Brainstorm

11 Day 2,330, 09:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So the Speaker wants us to write articles or something. How does this work then Appleby?

Congress reform? Oh goody what an exciting topic for the public to read about, I'm sure their eyeballs will be

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Rob the Bruce's CP Candidate Guide: Second Edition

23 Day 2,323, 13:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

This is going to be a regular thing now, public needs to be informed and stuff.

For those who didn't read my first CP guide basically what happens is I tell you who's running and a bit about them and then you blatantly ignore me and vote for

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Super-uber-mega-coalition: Setting a good example

17 Day 2,317, 13:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

So for in time for the congress election, a huge number of people, following King Woldy's advice (cheers for that btw) moved over to the WRP to knock out the PTO'd parties, UKPP and ESO, and made a coalition for congress. Nobody started flinging

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4 Day 2,309, 14:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Today I'm going to take a look at the PTOers... just figured I may as well have a look at who nicked my PP place

So here's a source:

Shoe people eh? What a crap name. If I were a PTO group, I'd like

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