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Irish Union Party Weekly Update October 17th 2008

3 Day 332, 16:36 Published in Ireland Ireland

Irish Union Party Weekly Update October 17th 2008

Daoine na hEireann,

This is the first of what I hope to become a weekly newsletter concerning the week's events in eIreland and my and the Irish Union Party's views on the week in politics.

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Minimum Wage

7 Day 330, 08:19 Published in Ireland Ireland

People of eIrelandThe current minimum wage of 5 IEP is frankly ridiculous.The average wage was 1 IEP per skill level. For a skill 1 employee that is 1 IEP. Now however we are expected to pay new employees 500% of what we used to. This is drastically

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Irish Union Party Presidency

5 Day 326, 01:37 Published in Ireland Ireland

Daoine na hÉireann,

I wish to thank everyone who voted for me in the party elections and I am delighted to accept a second term as party president. It is great to see such massive support from the party.

I hope to build on our recent successes

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Party Elections: Irish Union Party

3 Day 324, 15:34 Published in Ireland Ireland

Daoine na hÉireann,

Dia daoibh! Tomorrow is party election day. Your chance to choose who will lead your party into V1 and the next General Election.

In the Irish Union Party you also have a choice. While many candidates are available, only

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My Campaign to Continue as Irish Union Party President

14 Day 321, 12:33 Published in Ireland Ireland

Daoine na hÉireann,

As you have probably just read, patton has announced his wish to challenge for the leadership of the Irish Union Party again. Who will be the president of the Irish Union Party is up to its members and the casting of their

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