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About my newspaper

Open Wiki page

will write when another faxe comes into my stomack, so i write ..write ..and write

ask why there's no article?
sh*t, it's all because of a sheet!
the moose eats grass, he doesn't write on paper,
could you write without a hand? don't think so
but he can make sh*ty rolls! how? it's magic.


Czołgi jado na misje aka wiecznie nienażarci.

29 Day 2,501, 07:02 Published in Poland Poland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

W odpo na czalendż melgi i platońske misje.

25 pierwszych komentarzy po 5 czołgów q7.

Za każde nowe zaakceptowane zapro daje 5 czołgów q6 i 6 chleba q5.

Roznieście to i niech naród sie nażre.

Ave rogaty


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