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Virtual Collapse in Manufacturing

3 Day 345, 10:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

So now onto my fourth job in one week within the Manufacturing industry. With 4.67 skill I am not unskilled at all but the companies are collapsing all around us. The first company was unable to pay me for 3 days running, the second ran out of raw

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eUK Economic Problems Worsening?

6 Day 341, 14:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

So a couple of weeks into V1, and the problems seem to be getting worse and worse - the economic hardships seem to be hitting more and more people everyday.

For the third day running, I was today told that I could not work at Aurum Takeaways

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Movement for Democratic Unity - Manifesto

2 Day 331, 13:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

We are the Movement for Democratic Unity.  Below is our brand new manifesto, created from new ideas and principles of the former People's Zeteticist Party.  We are proud to be a local party, working for the people at a micro-level, but read more »

A New Political Force for a New World - "Movement for Democratic Unity"

1 Day 331, 09:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Good Day to all citizens of eUK and the new world.
I write to present to you a new political force, a new party for eRepublik. Following my election as Party President of the former People's Zeteticist Party, I am announcing the reformation of the

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Minimum Law Comes Into Force

1 Day 330, 10:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

The first act of the newly reformed V1 House of Commons was passed unanimously yesterday. 
The Minimum Wage Act was accepted 22-0 by Congress and has come into force, meaning employers must now pay all workers in eUK at leadt 1GBP/day. 

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