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Again "the don´t eat food" Bug.

56 Day 472, 10:19 Published in Germany Germany

I can´t belive it. I´m playing this game for two weeks and it happened the third time, that my citizen don´t eat. The food still remains in my inventory. No gain of wellness, only loss. Thats hard for a newbie. The first time, the admins didn´t give

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eGermany leads Q2 House Market in the world with lower prices.

2 Day 469, 11:45 Published in Germany Germany

Since today eGermany leads the Q2 House market with only 303 DEM (about 6,969 Gold) per Unit. Thats the lowest price for a Q2 House around the world. That are fantastic news for newcomers.

Even Q1 food are now much cheaper with 1,55 DEM. The

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26 Day 465, 08:09 Published in Germany Germany

Liebe Mitbürger,
es ist wieder eine Woche vergangen und die EU-News liefern ihren Finanzmarktbericht. Erstellt durch die Rotfuchs Investment Bank[read more »