Ambient on/off


2 Day 538, 10:20 Published in USA USA

The second part in my article series dedicated to helping new players understand the game better so that they'll stay in the game rather than quit in frustration. In the [url=http://www. … read more »

The eUSA FAQ's (Part I)

10 Day 537, 18:27 Published in USA USA

Here's an FAQ on all the in-game information I seem to find new players asking the most questions about, so I'll answer them to the best of my ability. All information comes from the … read more »

An open letter to the Admins: Stop the CHEATING!

0 Day 534, 07:47 Published in USA USA

You know, after the Spanish abused fake gold you'd think the admins would've gotten their act together and listened to the players in cracking down on the cheating of their game - that they would stop it because not only is it in violation of their

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The Future of ATLANTIS

5 Day 533, 08:03 Published in USA USA

As of today, Romania still remains the most powerful nation in the eWorld - it's military, economy, and population dwarf countries across every corner of the Earth and they are a model of superpower governance.

However, we should begin to analyze

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Future Timeline for eUSA Statistics

2 Day 531, 20:22 Published in USA USA

Rather than publish a sensationalist article on the eve of the May presidential elections, I thought I'd lay out a general schedule of the eMerica Gazette's timeline for future statistics gathering for the public knowledge of the eUSA.


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