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Henry 'Pfeiffer' Arundel - Chicago Style Politics

18 Day 1,483, 20:19 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

You know Chicago style politics.... the dirtiest, most corrupt, sleeziest type of politics imaginable? Well, even hillbillies from the Louisiana Bayou can put those in to practice on eRepublik and there is no one who does this better than Henry '

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Love Thy Neighbor

10 Day 1,482, 23:47 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Does anyone else notice that people this time of the year don't act any differently than the rest of the year? People can be mean, spiteful, cruel, ignorant, heartless, among other less than desirable traits. I have a suggestion.... why don't we all

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AED Needs Captains & Inactives Removed

11 Day 1,482, 12:15 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Today I removed approximately 1/3rd of the membership of AED. These were people who had not fought in an extended period of time and who I have either never conversed with, or have not heard from in awhile. We had 16 regiments and this was far too

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Petition For USWP to Remove Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel

19 Day 1,481, 22:01 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

We the undersigned believe that Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel is a read more »

REVENGE - What Goes Around, Comes Around!

52 Day 1,479, 23:05 Published in USA USA Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel, on behalf of all freedom loving eAmericans, I will make it my personal mission to utterly destroy you. You have PTO'd us. You have spammed us. … read more »