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Thank you loyal allies in the Alliance PEACE!

11 Day 589, 04:06 Published in Serbia Serbia

Dear brothers and allies, with the help of your great victory for the win below.
Yesterday was released East Serbia, a few minutes and Raška.
Hungarians are broken Western Serbia, although the battle is not finished wall has grown to nearly half a

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Thank you loyal allies in the Alliance PEACE!

5 Day 589, 04:05 Published in Hungary Hungary

Dear brothers and allies, with the help of your great victory for the win below.
Yesterday was released East Serbia, a few minutes and Raška.
Hungarians are broken Western Serbia, although the battle is not finished wall has grown to nearly half a

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Važno! Važno! Važno!

11 Day 588, 10:58 Published in Croatia Croatia

Puno pozdrava.... - Istočna Srbija more »

Thank you loyal Hungarian allies!

6 Day 588, 10:49 Published in Hungary Hungary

Eastern Serbia fall, Raška slowly returning Serbia, West Serbia ...
Thank you and all of the alliances that we help PEACE!
showed you, and so far in the best light!
Ziveli SERBIA!
Cheers HUNGARY !

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Dear members of the Alliance PEACE No.2! eSERBIA need your help!

0 Day 588, 02:50 Published in Portugal Portugal

Help us reach Serbia , Area Sumadija and fight for the occupied area of Serbia EAST SERBIA!

For freedom eSerbia for PEACE!

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