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[Time to Move]Protecting Our Assets

83 Day 876, 10:34 Published in Brazil Brazil

Dear Citizens of Phoenix,

Today, let's take a look at a well known, and commonly used strategy called "Creating a Fortress". Many nations do this to
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Anfängerguide - Starterguide

13 Day 876, 06:33 Published in Germany Germany

For Erepublik-Tutorials Scroll down to 9a! (Short Explanation, English)

Überarbeitete Version!

0. Wichtige Links
1. read more »

The Flight of the Phoenix

135 Day 875, 07:59 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Citizens of the Phoenix,

Often times, we get Private Messages wanting to know what Phoenix involves. You want to know how we set our
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PIMP - Phoenix International Mogul Program [Serb]

26 Day 873, 10:19 Published in Serbia Serbia

Phoenix International Mogul Program

In order to apply to participate in the Media Mogul scheme, you must have;
• A Newspaper
• Citizenship of a Phoenix Country
• AT least 100 subscriptions

However, special … read more »

Nice Fight, Australia

124 Day 873, 00:22 Published in Australia Australia

Dear Australians, members of EDEN and Brolliance,

I can honestly say I don't think I've had that much fun personally since the first battle of California. Regardless of the outcome, how long it takes the game to close, or what the decisions are,

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