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The REAL Reason the Poles Are Invading!

52 Day 755, 18:00 Published in Germany Germany

As we all know, the Polish caused quite a lot of drama in South America recently. Do you know who else was in South America recently? The Magic Hot Air Balloon. It's painfully obvious why they have decided to target Germany this week.

I am

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Magic Hot Air Balloon tries to assasinate me

7 Day 753, 18:06 Published in Germany Germany

Something terrible has happened my dear friends! The Magic Hot Air Balloon has tried to murder me! I was on a visit to an area to warn the locals of the dangers of the Magic Hot Air Balloon when the local mayor invited me to come to his estate. He

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Guest Correspondent, P.C. talks about how the MHAB has affected his life.

8 Day 751, 14:09 Published in Germany Germany

&quot😉NCer Smhabe today, police brutality, the death of my friend. He is ... He always told me not to compromise the spirit of paying taxes. Why must Smhabe, him? ! One by one room, one or two rooms, one room per night per room per night read more »

Magic Hot Air Balloon picks new target, Europe clears up slightly.

50 Day 740, 14:09 Published in Germany Germany

Listen up people, big news. As we are all aware, the Northern Hemisphere is starting to enter Winter. Whats the big deal, it happens every year?

I'll tell you whats the big deal. The Magic Hot Air Balloon runs off warm temperatures. As the

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Beatles vs. The Magic Hot Air Balloon!

4 Day 737, 18:43 Published in Germany Germany">MHAB Chat! My new chat room!

Truly astonishing news has come to my attention! Yes, it seems that the Beatles were, in fact, Dncers! They fought the Magic Hot Air Balloon just like my … read more »