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Discrate1 ANP running for the NT Senate Presentation.

15 Day 821, 19:16 Published in Australia Australia

Fellow eAussies,

I've decided to run for my first term for senate in the Northern Territory (NT) After my results in the last elections in WA, i decided a should move to a place where my help is needed. So here i am.

Now i am not one those

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Discrate1, ANP senate candidate for the Northern Territory announcement

5 Day 819, 00:48 Published in Australia Australia

Upcoming Senate election

I would now also like to take the time to announce to everyone that i will be running for congress in the Northern Territory. The ANP has some good policies that we all would like to be put in place, so i would … read more »

Discrate1 ANP running for WA Senate Presentation.

0 Day 797, 01:15 Published in Australia Australia

Fellow eAussies,

I've decided to run for my first term for senate in Western Australia (WA) Going off my great performance in the party president elections, i think i can do the same in the senate election.

Now i am not one those people who

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Need employees

2 Day 794, 22:16 Published in Australia Australia

Hello everyone,

I am really in need of employees for my 2 companies. So if you are looking for a new job, please take up a job in either of my 2 companies


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Selling the Australian Defence Company

0 Day 793, 21:21 Published in Australia Australia

I am selling my company "Australian Defence Company"

It currently makes Q2 weapons and has 9 employees. It also has 70 raw materials to make guns.

I am wanting 50 gold for the company but i am open to negotiations, so pm if you like

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