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Sisterhood of EDEN (latest news)

122 Day 1,735, 10:52 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

With great peril to my personal safety and more precisely my beloved legs (hairy as they're I still cherish them), I bring you the latest logs form EDN summit.

Since everyone at press-conference news international are very keen to present top

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Механики на играта [статията е в разработка]

14 Day 1,732, 22:10 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

С един ден закъснение, но ето я и обещаната статия. Тъй като не получих никакви запитвания, ще карам каквото се сетя. Ще разделя нещата по раздели за по-лесно намиране на съответната информация, картинки и разделители не обещавам.


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Кратка статия с тактически и други напътствия

31 Day 1,730, 00:54 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

И тази няма да е дълга фуууууу.

Имаме две войни в момента. Една срещу Аржентина, където имаме предимството на инициативата и времевата разлика (което предимство става недостатак ако те имат инициативата) и срещу Турция където имаме предимствот

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D-Day [Final]

65 Day 1,729, 00:15 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


I know everyone is used to the usual quality Wall of Text weаpоn of mass destruction from me, but I'll be brief today.

Right now, Bulgaria is fighting a battle agains Argentina here:


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13 Day 1,722, 10:10 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Size doesn't matter, it's all in the wrist!

F@MA-GAMA, 100% recycled,
for those awkward moments, when regular toilet paper just doesn' … read more »