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Black Market

12 Day 1,315, 12:04 Published in Australia Australia Financial business Financial business

Hello e-australia...
i know some people sell weapons & food not in the market place...
But in black MARKET!!!
I dont want to tell names yet...
But i want to inform u that this is not good..
1)Because our country will lose

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8 Day 1,312, 15:27 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

We are the winners
We are, we are!
We are the winners
We are, we are!

We are the winners of the elections
We are, we are! We are, we are!
We are the winners of the elections
We are, we are! We are, we are!

So, you gotta vote,
Vote, vote

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Knight Hawks

9 Day 1,308, 06:25 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I am officially a member of "KnightHawks"..!!
I have my avatar FRAME..
I am very proud.
And happy too..
I ll do my best with the help of the military unit,to "exterminate"

I want to say "thanks" to my

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i want more CHUCK!!

3 Day 1,306, 01:11 Published in Australia Australia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello e-Australia...
My friend Chuck Norris is back,so listen...

1) Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there

2) Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there


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7 Day 1,305, 05:06 Published in Australia Australia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello e-Australia...
I would like to run for congressional Elections in few days,at the region of New South Wales
I ll to do my best for our country
And i promise you,that in few days,we ll be free AGAIN!!
It will be my honor if you vote me..

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