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Pengunduran diri sebagai deputi mofa+masuk hutan lebih awal

11 Day 951, 08:52 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Sebagai deputi MoFa dan ambassador eIndonesia utk ekanada
mengajukan surat pengunduran diri terhadap pekerjaan diatas

Saya gak bisa aktif di IRC lagi,
ndak bisa liat order2 baru dari MoFA (kyk aberi ajah)

intinya maapin ane jika belum

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Thank you Gargoyles!!!!!!!

5 Day 943, 00:36 Published in South Africa South Africa

For the organization that called themselves GARGOYLES


because you have release the tension of eIndonesia,
you know, if eIndonesia success to take WA, then eSA can DoW and attack it.
and you come to attempt

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[Deputy of MoFA]LETTER TO WIDDS (Advices From Fellow Statesmen)

23 Day 942, 00:51 Published in Australia Australia

Dear poor Widds,

As former statesmen, deeply experienced in handling conflicts and chaos, allow me to bestow upon you some pearls of wisdom and advices. Maybe, just maybe, if you heed them, you'd become better statesmen, for the sake of

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[eRiau Pos]Statistic battlefield tiles v2 ralat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 Day 938, 18:23 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

TS ralat y, ternyata hill dan mountain itu beda
Oke langsung aja ke intinya, disini akan dibahas soal jumlah tile yg ada di battlefield v2

jumlah tile:
20 x 20

Tile2 yg ada:
Plain = 219 = 54,75% +20 def for heli

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[eRiau Pos]Statistic battlefield tiles v2

22 Day 936, 01:44 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Oke langsung aja ke intinya, disini akan dibahas soal jumlah tile yg ada di battlefield v2

jumlah tile:
20 x 20

Tile2 yg ada:
Plain = 219 = 54,75%

Hill =

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