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Congressional Activity Report #7

0 Day 563, 19:41 Published in USA USA

Greetings. Here is the latest report on my activity in eCongress.

Alliance with Czech Republic - Yes
After a fair amount of discussion on how much we should pay this came out as 50/50 split which was not great, but acceptable. We do need

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Congressional Activity Report #6 (The beginning of the second term)

0 Day 559, 10:35 Published in USA USA

Hello my fellow citizens. Here is the latest report on what's going on in eCongress and how I have voted. Not a lot of proposals up before eCongress yet, but I figured it was time I posted a new report.

Donate to CBO - Yes
Standard procedure

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A Second Term In New Hampshire

0 Day 553, 07:43 Published in USA USA

*Enter StygianSteel to victory song, OverKill - In Union We Stand*

Hello citizens of eNew Hampshire! I'm proud to say that, with your help, I am back for more. It was a hard fight and a divided vote,

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Congressional Activity Report #5

0 Day 546, 22:55 Published in USA USA

Greetings citizens. Here is my 5th report to keep you informed at to my activity/voting record in Congress.

Peace with Ireland - Yes
Working out issues with the war games

Alliance with the UK - Yes
Working through the same issues


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Reelect StygianSteel for eNew Hampshire Congress

10 Day 543, 21:20 Published in USA USA

Greetings fellow citizens. The time for you to place your vote in the next Congressional elections is fast approaching and I'd like to take this opportunity to state my case for reelection.

First let's talk about my goals and platform that led

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