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The Socialist Freedom Party Endorses.....

3 Day 714, 17:02 Published in USA USA

The Socialist Freedom Party recently held a primary for the candidate which who we would endorse for the next President of the eUnited States.
Three candidates were voted on.
Jewitt, running with PiginZen as his Vice President.
Josh Frost,

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A Haven for Left Leaning People Anywhere!

28 Day 707, 18:21 Published in USA USA

The Socialist Freedom Party is a haven for all the Leftists and Radicals throughout the eUSA. The party discriminates against no ideology, and welcomes all ideas to our … read more »

Socialist Freedom Party, you pressed the button.

14 Day 696, 19:02 Published in USA USA

It seems I was chosen to become the next Socialist Freedom Party President.
This is an honor which I will treasure greatly.
To follow in the footsteps of the former PPs such as Osmany Ramon, Mark Valshannar, and smily132.

Each of the promises

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The Republican Party's Political Takeover Organization

25 Day 693, 17:02 Published in USA USA

Recently, the Party President of the USA Republican Party announced the creation of an organization called "The World League for Freedom & Democracy." This is an organization where members will "take part in PTO and Anti-PTO operations" against "

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The Age of Civil Anarchy (SFP PP announcement)

6 Day 688, 14:01 Published in USA USA

I, CivilAnarchy, hereby announce my intention to run for the office of party president for the Socialist Freedom Party.

I've already announced this to many of the frequent IRC visitors of our party, but this is the declaration to the … read more »