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Poll Queston

11 Day 255, 12:11 Published in Ireland Ireland

Well as everyone knows we ahve had a little issue the past few days with a group of Romanians. Would yall kindly comment on whether or not you believe Victor the leader of GMT. Also please explain your answer. Since we all seem to have mismanaged

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New Election

10 Day 255, 05:23 Published in Ireland Ireland

I contacted the admins about having a new elections. Once we ascertain the true numbers of the Romanians then we can have a free and open election. Of course no one will have a problem with a free and open election ?

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A New Candidate Has Entered the Presidential Race

14 Day 254, 05:16 Published in Ireland Ireland

Both IUP and Fianna Fail leaders are unfortunately inactive. In addition to that the leader of IFP has said he would have me run rather then him. WIth the coalition's need for a candidate I put myself up for the presidential office tentatively. I

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Attention All IUP and Fellow Coalition Members

15 Day 252, 05:20 Published in Ireland Ireland

As priorly organized Vyse was supposed to be the candidate for the coalition of IUP, Fianna Fail and the IFP. Since Vyse has recently gone inactive he can no longer be our presidential candidate. As second in command of IUP I advise all coalition

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No Sweat Guys

10 Day 251, 18:15 Published in Ireland Ireland

Dont worry guys I am not leaving I just want to give some other Irish people a chance at being tycoon's. I guess I have controlled a fair chunk of Ireland's economy for long enough. Besides I enjoy the colorful political arguements more. Also I am

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