Ambient on/off

Let me put things in perspective

20 Day 1,093, 04:58 Published in Canada Canada

People seem to be debating TCO and CAF a lot recently. I just want to take this chance to clear up any misguided ideas people had about each group.


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Rage, Rage, Rage!

10 Day 1,082, 03:26 Published in Canada Canada

Rage, rage, rage, thats all anyone is doing. Get over it, haven't you got used to the admins screwing things up. Just be happy we have gotten another way to get gold from the admins. Its easier now to get Super Soldier medals than it was in V1, its

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The Crimson Order, Join Now!

24 Day 1,077, 20:06 Published in Canada Canada

The title basically sums it up. Join the Crimson Order today by signing up here. Once you join you will find the most awesome, … read more »

Viado for Nova Scotia

7 Day 1,065, 23:18 Published in Canada Canada

Wow its been a while since I've had to do one of these. Guess I better introduce myself as this is my first congress article in Canada. Basically I am Viado Celtru. I was an eAussie (still am a RL Aussie) but really got over the PTO. I needed to

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Everyone Rise Up

4 Day 1,059, 18:14 Published in Australia Australia


Changes of media module are in direct conflict with freedom of speech!

Admin, apparently you're not listening. Newton’s article was in the international with over 2000 votes, and his open letter

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