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Canadian Company Registry [Important]

0 Day 781, 17:56 Published in Canada Canada

The Canadian Company Registry (or as I'll call it during this article the "CCC&quot😉 is basically a form created by myself as a result of an ">agreement made by congress a few

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Thank you my dear British Columbians!!

4 Day 767, 17:04 Published in Canada Canada

I am very thankful for the chance to represent my home region in congress. As I mentioned I have higher standards set for myself this month but you'll have to wait to know what they are. (It's 1am so I'm just letting you guys off with a tank you

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Vote for frankypicoto for congress in British Columbia on the 25th!!

9 Day 763, 10:01 Published in Canada Canada

Once again I am running for congress on the 25th. I want to thank you once more for putting me in congress last month and I also wish to convince you that I deserve to be elected for a second term. This month was very busy for me as I was not used

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FCN-Franky's Congressional News [2nd edition]

6 Day 755, 12:43 Published in Canada Canada

**This article only relates to Open Congress discussions**
Note: Citizens not registered on the ">eCanadian forums do not have access to any of these links/posts.

Congressional read more »

FCN-Franky's Congressional News

11 Day 746, 06:48 Published in Canada Canada

**This article only relates to Open Congress discussions**
Note: Citizens not registered on the ">eCanadian forums do not have access to any of these links/posts. Also, non-congress members … read more »