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A New Newspaper focussing on my Return to Israel, and my return to Israel Politics.

Thoughts and Views #7

2 Day 504, 21:42 Published in Israel Israel

So with Sadeh Badeh becoming president for the second time, a flurry of articles have emerged regarding how he and his administration will promote transparency amongst other things.

I am all for Transparency and support it 100%. I am anxious to

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Thoughts and Views #6 - Breaking News.

2 Day 502, 19:09 Published in Israel Israel

Breaking News

Italy is pushing deeper into Austria today by attacking lower Austria. As you can see on the world map provided. Italy is chomping away at Austria. Croatia might ask itself if it is safe right now with the recent Italian aggression

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Thoughts and Views #5

3 Day 502, 17:16 Published in Israel Israel

With it looking more and more like Sadeh will be our commander in chief again, I have a plea and a request for Sadeh.

If you want to gain votes next time, If you want to be seen as a strong leader by all, including myself and other critics and

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Thoughts and Views #4

5 Day 502, 13:59 Published in Israel Israel

Well, What a day. Political bickering on election day. Classic

Hufflepuff has been accused of bribing votes, Sadeh has been accused by some in Huffle’s party, and Accusations are flying like skeets out of a skeet shooter on a hot tennessee summer

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Thoughts and Views #2

3 Day 501, 19:57 Published in Israel Israel

I have been reading alot of ideas and suggestions from each of the candidates regarding their ideas if elected commander and chief of our tiny nation.

One of the topics that is touched on frequently, and more frequently is that elephant in the

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