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The "official" paper for the eNZ Ministry of Education

Getcha Popcorn Ready

1 Day 1,045, 19:36 Published in USA USA

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,

According to the powers that be, the new nations will go live on Day 1,051 aka October 6th, 2010.

Getcha Popcorn Ready!

I have not denied that I was excited

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I Want to Be a New Zealander So Friggin Bad

1 Day 1,041, 00:10 Published in USA USA

Greetings America,

First and foremost I would like to thank the Congressman that approved my citizenship application. You are a rockstar and I promise not to do anything to make you regret your decision.

*pickpockets the President and leaves a

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Rage: A Reflection on Rejection

7 Day 1,035, 13:33 Published in USA USA

"We are sorry to inform you that your citizenship request has been denied. You can apply for citizenship again in 5 days."

Yeah, f**k you too

I had hoped this would not be a big deal, that based on my past service to this country I would have

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America, America, My Home and Native Land

5 Day 1,034, 17:05 Published in USA USA

Greetings America (my paper is based here now lol)

I am proud to be an American, where at least I know I am free (you know, as free as you can be in an online game governed by admin rules).

Though I am proud to be an American, I have not yet

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Death, Taxes and Pizza

5 Day 1,030, 22:05 Published in South Africa South Africa

Greetings America, I'm glad to see some things never change.

I was a little nervous stepping back into the eRepublik universe, apprehensive some might say at the prospect of starting anew in this vast V2 world of shininess and intricacy.

So I

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