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>What A Difference A Day Makes (or in this instance two)

5 Day 620, 16:38 Published in USA USA

Greetings Fellow Americans-

I know that times have been tough America, with scandals and mudslinging, but no need to fear, I am back..................

Just kidding, but seriously, I leave to tend to some Real Life issues for two days and it

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>Words and Thoughts

2 Day 617, 17:06 Published in USA USA

Greetings Fellow Americans,

Or should I say fellow citizens? Do you feel different now? Has the flush of citizenship washed over you yet? With any luck, a plurality of real Americans made it to a US-held region before Citizenship took place.

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>Mr. Dodge Goes to Washington

13 Day 616, 17:31 Published in USA USA

Greetings Fellow Americans,

Today was another tough day, though we fought valiantly, French forces were able to take Manitoba. I was there at the end and I can tell you that it was close, but in the end we cannot sustain in battles fought at

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4 Day 615, 19:40 Published in USA USA

*Land of the Spree, Home of the Knave*

Greetings My Fellow Americans,

You have all heard the news by now surely, that California has fallen and we are in retreat. Today is a dark day in eAmerican history, but as has been said in the past,

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>Sunday Edition: Election Special

2 Day 614, 09:35 Published in USA USA

Greetings Ladies and Gentleman,

I present to you, the newest eUSA Congress, it is with a heavy heart that I note that we have 9 fewer Congressman this term than we did last term, but here they are:

* Alabama - Joe Newton
**(C)Alaska -

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