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HrBjorn's Thailand Mission, the results.

7 Day 999, 13:00 Published in Denmark Denmark

As many of you know HrBjorn went out on a mission some months ago. He left Denmark and travelled to Thailand to awesomize it, make it a better place, and generally make it more HrBjornish.

You can read HrBjorn's awesome article about it right

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HrBjorn's amazing trans-national dating service!

13 Day 994, 02:22 Published in Denmark Denmark

Welcome everybody to this amazing, awesome, HrBjornish new chapter of the Danish history. It is with much pride that HrBjorn reveals his new completely awesome service, it is HrBjorn's Amazing Trans-National Dating Service, in short HATNDS.


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HrBjorn is back!

9 Day 971, 13:09 Published in Thailand Thailand

So in the past like... month HrBjorn has been more or less not that active. First it was because of Roskilde Festival, which was totally banging.

Then this last week HrBjorn has had a visiter over, which did that he couldn't be active on erep.

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HrBjorn want your vote.... on Domi!

8 Day 958, 05:42 Published in Thailand Thailand

'Sup guys? Long time since last time, HrBjorn was at Roskilde Festival being drunk and listening to music(Prince was so badass), so he haven't been able to be on erepublik or the internet at all, that is why you haven't seen any articles concerning

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Hey Ilija and Pered

34 Day 946, 16:29 Published in Denmark Denmark

Australia vs. Serbia: 2-1

Serbia out. Sorry guys, HrBjorn just had to do it. Now, Go Denmark! Make HrBjorn 10 gold richer.

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