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A Battle Hero Medal For My True Friends

61 Day 604, 14:41 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Well, this is just a thank you note for my special friends that had helped me get through the nervousness moment in getting my Battle Hero Medal in Eastern Cape RW. I want to show my

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Indonesian - Hungarian trading cooperation and a greeting 4 mAonK

27 Day 599, 04:20 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Dear Our Best Buddy, mAonK...

Happy 1st eBirthday Commander!!

We wish you get things that you've always dreamt on. Remember, the Best is yet to come.. Let'

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75 Day 588, 07:24 Published in Serbia Serbia

Dear eSerbian Citizen,

Knowing that you are under oppression, we are here now to help you fight this battle. Just a little help but we hope this can ease your pain and show you some supports. So, stand tall, don’t be discouraged, you have friends

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54 Day 536, 11:43 Published in Hungary Hungary

Dear Our Hungarian brothers and sisters,

We, eIndonesian troopers, have gladly arrived here to help you all fight. Other soldiers will come as well tomorrow. Let us all join our hands and raise them together. Let us fight against eRomania and get

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Ayo Perang dah mulaiiii...../ The WAR has started....

16 Day 485, 13:33 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Romania sudah menyerang.
Instruksi untuk semua warga, baik sipil maupun ABeRI, JANGAN turun lawan Pakistan. UTAMAKAN KOORDINASI bukan AKSI. Jaga wellness diatas 90. Sebelum turun perang, usahakan masuk

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